Thursday, April 26, 2007

i don't like the new girl

It's been a long day at work.

I moved up to New York almost three months ago to take a new position within my company. I wanted to move. I've wanted to move up here ever since I studied abroad in Shanghai. I figured that New York was the closest I would get to living in Shanghai again, and I loved Shanghai.

My first couple of weeks at work were hard. My responsibilities were more than I was used to, the place was completely unorganized, and my co-workers weren't the most welcoming bunch. When friends would ask, "So, how's the new job going?" I would respond, "It's like they threw me down a well and told me to climb my way out."

I feel like I've finally made it out of the dark, cold water and am standing on fairly solid ground now. Finally. It only took close to three months. Now that all is settling, I have a new problem. Our team recently got a new player, who doesn't play as a team player. Not with me anyway.

Madison says it's because I'm not nice to her. Apparently I wear my discontent on both sleeves and show it all over my face. What can I say? I don't respect her yet. She came to us without any kind of leadership experience, and she hasn't proven anything to me since she arrived. At this point, I'm thinking, "Why the hell don't I have her job?" When I first arrived in the New York office, I got a whole speech about how I had to prove myself. Does that not apply to every new employee?

I guess I'm being too hard on her. I really need to soften up. That's the goal for tomorrow. Be more welcoming to the new girl, because we're all the new girl at some point.

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