Saturday, April 28, 2007

i'm a comfort eater

I've been eating like a cow lately. A cow in need of some extra comfort. Yes, me. I comfort eat, and I didn't even know it. I just can't get food out of my mind. I can't sit on the couch at Madison's for five minutes without a consumable item in my hand.

It's not just any food I'm looking for. I want cupcakes, ice cream, hot chocolate, tea, coffee, cookies, french fries, Southern cooking, Chinese food--any food that I associate good times and/or people I love with. This is how I know it's comfort eating. For me, it's about the emotions behind the food.

I'm scheduled to move into my first New York apartment next weekend. BoCoCa, Brooklyn really, but who's keeping track? I can't wait. I hope that once I get settled into my own place with my own routine I will be able to put an end to the comfort eating. Until then, I'm not trying really hard stop myself. I need something to lift my spirits after all. I just hope I don't put on too much weight in the next week or so.

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